"Promotion and Demotion Contests," (with Jonathan Levy), forthcoming at the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
"Sealed-Bid versus Ascending Spectrum Auctions", (with Nicholas Bedard, Jacob Goeree, and Philippos Louis), forthcoming at Experimental Economics
"Defaults and Cognitive Effort" (with Andreas Ortmann, Dmitry Ryvkin, and Tom Wilkening), the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 212, 1-19, 2023
"Improving on Simple Majority Voting by Alternative Voting Mechanisms" (with Jacob K. Goeree and Philippos Louis), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, Oxford University Press, 2020
“Noisy Introspection in the “11-20" Game,” (with Jacob K. Goeree and Philippos Louis), Economic Journal, 128 (611), 1509-1530, 2018
“The Effects of Communication on the Partnership Solution to the Commons,” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller and Stephan Schott), Environmental and Resource Economics, 70(2), 363-380, 2018
“Asymmetric and Endogenous Communication in Competition Between Groups," (with Timothy N. Cason and Roman M. Sheremeta), Experimental Economics, 20 (4), 946-972, 2017
“One Man, One Bid,” (with Jacob K. Goeree), Games and Economic Behavior (special issue in honor of John Ledyard), 101, 151-171, 2017 [media] [podcast]
“Same Process, Different Outcomes: Group Performance in an Acquiring a Company Experiment,” (with Marco Casari and Christine Jackson), Experimental Economics, 19 (4), 764-791, 2016
“Communication & Competition,” (with Jacob K. Goeree), Experimental Economics, 17(3), 421-438, 2014.
“Three-Player Trust Game with Insider Communication,” (with Roman M. Sheremeta), Economic Inquiry, 52 (2), 576-591, 2014.
“Communication and Efficiency in Competitive Coordination Games,” (with Timothy N. Cason and Roman M. Sheremeta), Games and Economic Behavior, 76, 26-43, 2012.
“How Groups Reach Agreement in Risky Choices: An Experiment,” (with Marco Casari), Economic Inquiry, 50 (2), 502-515, 2012.
“Can Groups Solve the Problem of Over-Bidding in Contests?” (with Roman M. Sheremeta), Social Choice and Welfare, 35 (2), 175-197, 2010.

- Calvin Coolidge -
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb... Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan PRESS ON! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
"Preventing Search with Wicked Defaults," (with Andreas Ortmann, Dmitry Ryvkin, Tom Wilkening)
"Optimal Contest Design with Negative Prize," (with Lingbo Huang and Jun Zhang)
“Inefficient Markets,” (with Jacob K. Goeree)
“What Can We Expect From Cheap Talk,” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller and Stephan Schott).
“Creating Self-Sustained Social Norms through Communication and Ostracism,” (with Roman M. Sheremeta and Steven Tucker).
“Effort Provision and Communication in Teams Competing over the Commons” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller and Stephan Schott).
“Communication in Asymmetric Group Competition over Public Goods”
"Group Competition over Public Goods: Effects of Strategy Spaces and Contest Rules”.
“Information Aggregation and Market (In)Efficiency,” (with Jacob K. Goeree, John Ledyard, Philippos Louis)
“Market Talk,” (with Jacob K. Goeree)
“How (Not) to Schedule a Conference?” (with Jacob K. Goeree and Luke Lindsay) slides
“Promises and Partnerships Revisited,” (with Jacob K. Goeree)
“Are Matching Gift Programs Crowding-Out Individual Charity Donations: A Discrete Choice Experimental Approach,” (with Emmanouil Mentzakis).
Contributions to Edited Volumes
“Appropriation from a Common Pool Resource: Effects of the Characteristics of the Common Pool Resource, the Appropriators and the Existence of Communication” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller, Mackenzie Rogers and Stephan Schott) in Experimental Economics, Vol, 4, Chapter 2, Anabela Botelho, Editor, The WSPC Reference of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change, Ariel Dinar, Editor-in-Chief, World Scientific Publishing Company, 15-42.
Invited Association Proceedings
Appropriation from a Common Pool Resource: Effects of the Characteristics of the Common Pool Resource, the Appropriators and the Existence of Communication” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller, Mackenzie Rogers and Stephan Schott), Proceedings of the Atlantic Canada Economics Association Conference, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2014.
“How does Communication and Output Sharing Affect Intergroup Competition, Intragroup Effort Provision and Social Efficiency?” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller and Stephan Schott), Proceedings of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012.
“Shut Up and Fish: The Role of Communication when Output-Sharing is used to Manage a Common-Pool Resource,” (with Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller and Stephan Schott), Proceedings of the Atlantic Canada Economics Association Conference, New Brunswick, Canada, 2009.